View Profile Volt-Edge

Volt-Edge's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 53 (From 10 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 1,120 Points


Medals Earned: 2/16 (15/500 points)

Guardians 5 Points

Defeat the Footie Twins

Bad Transit 10 Points

Defeat TRN-1

Heavy Weapons 5 Points

Defeat Battbot

Monkey Biz 5 Points

Defeat Ootkey

Freeroes 25 Points

Get Secret Ending

Kaminari Ninja 25 Points

Defeat Raijinmaru

Patricide 25 Points

Defeat creator of Dadgame

Story Easy 25 Points

Beat Story Mode on Easy, Normal, or Hard

Story Hard 25 Points

Beat Story Mode on Hard

Story Normal 25 Points

Beat Story Mode on Normal or Hard

WSW Tribute 25 Points

Defeat Final Weapon

Cheating Death 50 Points

Defeat Mecha-Death

Debugger 50 Points

Defeat Phantom

Presto! 50 Points

Beat Boss Battles on HARD

Tower Offender 50 Points

Beat Tower of Destiny on HARD

Dadgamer 100 Points

100% Completion

Gretel and Hansel

Medals Earned: 8/18 (130/500 points)

Baby Steps 5 Points

Make Gretel walk for the first time.

Slingshot Breakfast 5 Points

Obtain the slingshot

Honey Horror 10 Points

Get Bee Death

Sucked Dry 10 Points

Get Spider Death

Kain 25 Points

Kill Hansel

Kiss That Cyuke 25 Points

Get Rabbit Death

Pecking Order 25 Points

Get Crow Death

Pest Removal 25 Points

Trap the squirrel

Bitch Slap 10 Points

Shoot mom in the face

Time is Running Out 10 Points

Get the clock

Electra Complex 25 Points

Get Dad Carriage Death

Gretel Unit 25 Points

Take 200 shots with the slingshot

Here is Mommy! 25 Points

Get Axe Death

The Flamer 25 Points

Get Fire Death

Clockspert 50 Points

Solve clock puzzle

Get Stoned 50 Points

Get all 10 stones

Pop, Rock and Drop It 50 Points

Drop all ten stones

Grimm Master 100 Points

Get all 10 deaths

Hungry Bobby Bear

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/175 points)

First Steps 5 Points

Complete 3 levels

Chili Pepper 5 Points

Eat the chilli pepper

Hot Food-lover 5 Points

Eat 5 peppers during the whole game

Sad 5 Points

Lose the fruit and get upset

An Experienced Player 10 Points

Complete 15 levels

Apple-lover 10 Points

Eat 20 apples during the whole game

Gormandizer 10 Points

Eat 100 fruits

The Winner 25 Points

Complete the game

Devoted Player 100 Points

Complete the game with three stars

Hungry Gamers

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/150 points)

Grab Bag 5 Points

Grab the bag!

Alliance 10 Points

Form an alliance.

Arrows Get 10 Points

Defeat Glimmer

Crowd Pleaser 25 Points

You call that a kiss?

To the Dogs 100 Points

Defeat Cato

Larry And The Gnomes

Medals Earned: 7/27 (65/1,000 points)

AAAARRG!! 5 Points

Kill 10 Gnomes while enraged

Destruction 5 Points

Kill over 50 Gnomes

Meet the Mage Master 5 Points

Fight the Boss in ACT I

Warm Up 5 Points

Complete the Tutorial Level

ACT I 10 Points

Complete Act I

Power Kill 10 Points

Kill a Gnome in one hit

Mass Destruction 25 Points

Kill over 100 Gnomes

Accidental Archeologist 10 Points

Discover ancient Skull Statues

ACT II 25 Points

Complete Act II

Bash the Boar 25 Points

Fight the Boss in ACT II

Blood Lust 25 Points

Sever 20 Gnome heads in a row

Decapitation Retaliation 25 Points

Kill an entire Level of Gnomes with the heads of other Gnomes

ACT III 50 Points

Complete Act III

Fight the Freak 50 Points

Fight the Boss in ACT III

Mitten Hand Ninja 50 Points

Kill an entire level of Gnomes with nothing but your bare hands

ACT IV 100 Points

Complete the Game!

Battle of the Gnome King 100 Points

Fight the Gnome King!

Convenience Mining 100 Points

Collect 15 Precious Gems

Sword Connoisseur 100 Points

Find all of the 8 hidden Cameo Swords

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Madness Accelerant

Medals Earned: 1/5 (25/135 points)


Beat the game.

Face Off 10 Points

Let out all your aggression.

Pacifist 25 Points

Be kind to those less fortunate than yourself.

True Face of Evil 25 Points

Reveal the true face of evil!

Madness Mode 50 Points

Defeat Madness Mode!

Madness Hydraulic

Medals Earned: 2/2 (150/150 points)

Survivor 50 Points

Survive 40 rounds.

Lone Wolf 100 Points

Do it without turrets.

Relive Your Life

Medals Earned: 7/32 (160/500 points)

Dressing in Drag 10 Points

Rambo is quite the prankster!

Human Appliance 10 Points

Science is bad, M'kay?

I ain't sayin' you a golddigger. 10 Points

But you ain't messing with no broke.. nibroke ;)

Puppy Love 10 Points

Like OMG, Totes jelly.

Tails Never Fails 10 Points

A classic for bidding!

The Man Who Owns Time 10 Points

"Dr. Who" They name you, "His life, so bizarre."

GODLIKE! 100 Points

You shake hands with the Almighty himself!

100 MPH Spank! 10 Points

Whoops! I hope you like wrinkles!

30 Rock Date 10 Points

TFey and ABee come 2 save the Dee!

Big Mouth 10 Points

Because bragging gets you nowhere.

Blind Runner 10 Points

Daredevil ain't got nothin' on you.

Daytime TV Trio! 10 Points

Oprah, Ellen, and Maury!? You lucky sonovagun!

Dead Mutant Baby 10 Points

Death snagged you so young!

Dreamin' with Morgan Freeman 10 Points


Extra! Extra! 10 Points

Check out any of the external links

FYI YOU'RE A SPY 10 Points

Backstabbing yourself, low blow man.

Hellfire Injection 10 Points

Time paid life's bill.

Hide 'n Seek 10 Points

He hid for two hours you selfish jerk!

HomeRun! 10 Points

Obeezy likes basketball, whoda thunk it?

Love at First Fight 10 Points

Your sister figures out love the hard way.

Mee-Yow! 10 Points

A WILD CatFight ensues!

Meet Joe Black 10 Points

This was hilarious to animate :)

Mutually Assured Destruction 10 Points

Everything dies and it's all your fault.

My Hero. 10 Points

No dead bunnies or kittens... for now.

Nice Save! 10 Points

Obviously she's a keeper!

Self Consumed Donut 10 Points

Keep Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin WHAT

Shoop Da Whoop! 10 Points

Imma firin mah lazor!!!

The Amazing Quadrupede! 10 Points

You're a flying transgender mutant! SUCCESS!!!!!

The Dr. Phil Tango 10 Points

You pissed off Dr. Phil. Gj bro.

The Naked Mile 10 Points

If I weren't legally obliged, I'd go nude too.

Ultimate Velocity Five! 10 Points

You become Saint Awesome!

Lives Worth Living! 100 Points

You found all 29 different endings!

Road of the Dead

Medals Earned: 7/24 (150/1,000 points)

Blunt Force Trauma 5 Points

Do a 4 hits combo with zombies only

Gunslinger 10 Points

Shoot an enemy off your hood with the pistol

Hydroficial Intelligence 10 Points

Use a water jug to put off your burning engine

No Mercy 25 Points

Hit 25 civilians

Road Dominator 25 Points

Hit 50 highway soldiers

Road Warrior 25 Points

Defeat a helicopter

Zombie Sniper 50 Points

Do 30 zombie splatter hits

Hood Shaker 5 Points

Knock an enemy off your hood by hitting the side walls

Flip Flop 10 Points

Hit 16 enemies, alternating between zombie and soldier or vice versa

Meticulous 10 Points

Kill 10 zombies at low speed

Don't Need Wheels 25 Points

Drive 3 KM with all 4 tires blown

Quick Draw 25 Points

Shoot a soldier while he's pointing his gun at you and before he shoots

Wise Man 25 Points

Avoid 10 mutated zombies

Close Encounters 50 Points

Get all 5 enemy types off your hood

Nuke Watcher 50 Points

Exit the city with at least 15 seconds to spare

Pinball 50 Points

Do a 3 hits vehicle collision combo

Speed Racer 50 Points

Drive 0.5 KM at maximum speed

Tank 50 Points

Buy all the upgrades

Time To Spare 50 Points

Reach up to 45 seconds bonus time in Dead On Time

Top Gun 50 Points

Dodge 10 carpet bombings

Dead On Time 100 Points

Drive 10 KM in Dead On Time

Hell's Angel 100 Points

Beat Highway To Hell

One Man Army 100 Points

Drive 10 KM in Police State

Survivor 100 Points

Beat The Great Escape

Toss the Turtle

Medals Earned: 17/20 (415/500 points)

Acupuncture 5 Points

Get skewered on spikes

Gold Star 5 Points

Launch the Turtle

Jump Man 5 Points

Smash a goomba

Novice 5 Points

Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)

Question Mark 5 Points

Find the hidden button

Amateur 10 Points

Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)

Harrasment 10 Points

Crush an angry ground creature

in Space 10 Points

Reach space

Strong Armed 10 Points

Get punched by a banana

Abducted 25 Points

Get caught by a UFO

Persistent 25 Points

Play over an hour

Professional 25 Points

Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)

Radioactive 25 Points

Use a nuke

Golden Shell 50 Points

Buy everything

Master 50 Points

Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)

Traveler 50 Points

Total over 1 million feet

WorldsEdge 100 Points

Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)

Drunk Driver 10 Points

Blow up a jeep

Icarus 25 Points

Get burned by a sun

Addicted 50 Points

Play over 2 hours